We don't have pictures to post right now, but we would like to share a wonderful family tradition. As for background, Ba and Ry really don't like to eat tomatoes, but they do have their uses.
Ba's side of the family gets all their old, moldy, rotten tomatoes and seperates them into buckets. Teams are then randomly choosen by selecting slips of paper out of a hat. We were on the same team this year, so no one will be sleeping on the couch. We gather in the garden with our buckets of amunition and the brawl begins by flinging the bad (all puns intended) vegetables at the other team. There is usually a centerline that is not 'supposed' to be crossed, and guidelines about hitting below the shoulder. No permanent damage was done, but by the end tomato guts were everywhere, including down pants, in pockets, and splattered against an ear. It is hardest to get it out of your hair, but everyone who participates knows what they are getting into and it is a pretty fun time. I guess the only good thing to do with tomatoes is throw them at your relatives.
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8 months ago
Sounds messy. I'm glad no one was injured. I love getting blog comments from you guys by the way, they always give me a good laugh and make my day. We keep saying we need to find Ryan a job so you guys can move here and be our friends. Unfortunately Noel's work doesn't hire a lot of dam engineers :( We keep looking though. Hope you guys are well.