Monday, November 15, 2010

Meat is on the Menu

LE tried chicken and gravy tonight. It is the first time she has had a chance to eat something that was not a fruit or vegetable. Wait, I need to clarify that a bit. This is the first time that LE's mother has intentionally fed her something that was not a fruit or vegetable. It was all mashed up and in those small glass jars but it sure didn't look like chicken. I am sure it was some sort of processed ground up meat (probably SPAM). Here is her reaction.

Mmmm... delicious.


  1. Oh my hilarious! That's one of the best baby reactions I've ever seen! I'm sorry she doesn't really enjoy that and I almost feel bad for her! You guys should try those food grinders for babies! My sister in law swears by them! Can't wait to be able to play with her! You guys are awesome!

  2. Ha!Ha! Those baby food meats are NASTY! I let Sadie try them once, but never did them again. Yucky!

  3. LOVE the face she pulled! This is one reason we make our own. You actually know what is in it and it's way cheaper! Who wants to eat meat as a paste anyway?

  4. Seriously hilarious!!!! It's funny how we give babies things we wouldn't dare to try ourselves...

  5. I'm really sad neither of you guys tried it. That's a reaction I wanted to see.
