Thursday, February 25, 2010

Babies are Popular

Tons of people that are close to us are having kids or are pregnant. Three people on both sides of our family are expecting making the count to 7 immediate relatives. What a hoot. Everybody is doing it I guess. To get ready we have been working on a few projects. The first project was growing the baby.

This is Ba and a good friend Lina at Christmas time which was just starting Ba's third trimester. It took us forever to convince them to allow us to take this picture.

This is Ba just within the last weeks aka 9 months pregnant. Doesn't she just look so cute with that little Blueberry bump. (Blueberry is what we are currently naming the child, but that is likely to change for her birthday!)

Over Christmas Ry worked on building Blueberry's crib. It is super sturdy, so I guess he learned something in all of those engineering classes. He designed and built it on his own. If you are wondering, the stain color is Ipswitch which we have never heard of before.

Ry liked working on a mill to make the corners. It was like an etch-a-sketch with a drill attached. As you turned 5 different knobs the wood could move up/down, right/left, forward/backward get clamped down and rotate on the axis. What a dream come true.


  1. Oh wow! What a gorgeous crib, and gorgeous mama! I think blueberry is a fine name for a child :o)
    Ba...May your labor be short, the drugs be plentiful, and the head be small!!
    Michelle Keller

  2. Nice picture. I want to see the one of the boys... didn't we take one? The crib is beautiful! I keep thinking about you, hope all goes well, miss you constantly and decided you do have to move down here. :)

  3. I love the crib!! Ba you look so beautiful!! And i love the car!!
