Ry has been biking up the big hills in Bountiful to get ready for his first (and maybe last) bike race this year. He is pretty excited to get started.

He didn't have anyone doing it with him, so he was a bit of a loner compared to all these groups with big teams. He wants to get on a team so he can enjoy group riding, but doesn't want to commit that much time. Tough decision.

The race starts at the equestian park in Draper, and climbs to the top of Suncrest. Once the racers got to the top of Suncrest, they raced down the south side into Highland. Then for good measure, they climbed back up to the top of Suncrest again. That is two category 2 climbs if you are familiar with cycling. A vertical climb of 2100+ feet in just 15 miles such does tucker you out. Ry said that he didn't really see the beautiful view because it was behind him on the climbs. He was going so fast on the downhill (Speeds up to 45mph on a skinny little bike) that he was paying too much attention to not crashing and didn't dare look up.

Ry did well until about halfway up the second climb when the group he was with started to accelerate, and his poor little legs wouldn't move much faster. He finished in the top 70% (okay so that is not very good), and accomplished his goal of finishing.

Ba was very supportive through all of this, and was even a race volunteer.